First time I saw web pages with name I had on mind famous desk game Cafe International. Later on I were in deep brainstorming what "the World Cafe" really means. I understand it as kind of the brainstorming with unclear foggy results. As target oriented person I was surprised, how fuzzy logic of collective wisdom might be usefull in corporate life. So I avaited class example. Next day we had to use WC (really not here in meaning toilet :-)
After few minutes of explanation we started. Experience from tens of companies workshops was usefull. Basic principles of generating ideas, free discussions about topics, noticing every thought, were not new for me. I was party amazed by deep conservatism of some students. They did not folow the topic. They did not expressed their feelings in drawings, words, notices. They did not continued with existing stripes of mind left on big paper.
Althought all schemes I compared with previous experiences, I found this technique pretty sucessfull in producing workaround to selected topics. But! There is one big "but" for me as leader, manager and businessman: this is not result. Only one step on the dusty way to solve some problem or managerial task. Of course it might be enough for intelectual debates, or to see widespread of chosen topic(s).

So keep my brain in reality, I found in "The World Cafe" usefull method to generate ideas, which might be compared to other alternatives I used previously. That is biggest benefit of TWC. Secondary it might help to better communicate in corporate team. It shows good communicators, moderators, speakers, leaders or "grey mouses".
If you want to see our result of TWC, please folow this link.
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